You can advertise and earn revenue via:
- Your website
- Social Media
- Drop Shipping
- Mason Zone (www.MasonZone.com) commission is 20% on all orders (excluding taxes, and/or cart shipping fees). Our tracking cookie does NOT expire! Therefore, if a customer only clicks your link once but makes multiple purchases on the same computer and has not deleted their cookies, you will earn commission for each order placed (excluding any refunded orders).
- MasonZone.com reserves the right to remove members from our affiliate program, edit or remove tracking cookies, banner advertisements, revise these terms and conditions, and/or terminate the affiliate program at anytime without prior notice or consent.
- All affiliate members are required to have a valid Share-A-Sale.com account in order to be paid commission funds. Sign up for an affiliate account at www.shareasale.com by clicking our direct "Sign-Up" link below.
- Affiliates are solely held responsible for their individual account's Share-A-Sale fees and transaction policies.
- Commission payments are granted once per month. We generally approve commissions within 30 days of the sale to ensure items have not been returned for refund.
- Our Share-A-Sale affiliate program requires a valid web site URL. For example: (www.YourSite.com). If you do not own the website directly, you must put your full blog or social networking URL - For example: (www.Facebook.com/YourMemberID).
- Affiliate members are held solely responsible for all income tax forms and tax deductions on earned commissions. Share-A-Sale will provide all affiliates proper earnings reports.
- Approved members are NOT authorized to use our domain and/or trademarked name "Mason Zone" in PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising programs without prior written approval from Mason Zone.
- Affiliates may NOT advertise directly on on our MasonZone.com operated websites, pages or forums (i.e. pasting links on our social network pages is prohibited). Additionally, there must be NO false or misleading advertising, or SPAM.
- Affiliates may NOT send commission links in multiple recipient emails, phone texts, instant messages, pop-ups/pop-under windows, or SPAM third party pages or in boxes with our links (your commission will not work properly and you will be removed from the program).
- Affiliates may NOT post commission links on sites that promote criminal activity, illegal gambling, hateful, racist, sexist, violence supporting, terrorist group web pages, hacker pages or pornographic web sites.
- Any refunds granted to customers within 30 days of the sale commission date will also be deducted from affiliate member commission funds (refunds DO NOT count as a completed purchases).
- Affiliates may NOT purchase from our website to obtain discounts before requesting prior approval. Members MUST contact us first and let us know why and when they would like to purchase our products at discounted rates (then we will discuss terms and conditions).
- By adding our tracking cookie code to your web site or networking web page, you agree to allow our affiliate program (MasonZone.com and all subsidiary companies of Seller Savings and ShareAsale.com) to utilize cookie hyperlink tracking data to report commissions, possible fraud, site traffic, etc. By signing up for this affiliate program, you grant Mason Zone and ShareAsale.com permission to contact you on occasion regarding affiliate updates, coupons, banner ads, policy changes, etc.
- All affiliates hereby agree to assume all responsibility ensuring his/her commission links are properly formatted, fully functional and authorized to be placed on designated web sites, social networks or internet forums. By signing up you also understand that your visitors may delete or block website tracking cookies from their browser and/or computer therefore rendering commission data untrackable and void. You agree that Mason Zone and Share-A-Sale can not be held liable for any end user's cookie data blocking or deletion.
- By submitting this registration form, you hereby agree to follow all local, state and federal laws and hereby agree to all MasonZone.com terms and conditions. Affiliates suspected of fraudulent or illegal linking activity will be removed from the program. All fraudulent commissions, illegal SPAM and/or unauthorized PPC activity will be reported to local and federal authorities.
- If you have any questions about our affiliate program, please feel free to email us here: CONTACT US FORM
- Thank you for your interest in the MasonZone.com affiliate program. Please continue your registration by clicking the "Sign Up" button below. To complete your registration, you must also agree to the overall terms and conditions listed on www.shareasale.com in regards to their Share-A-Sale affiliate software program usage.
- Tip: After signing up, if you need instructions on how to access our advanced product data feeds (click here)